Top 5 Stories of the Week: February 4, 2022
Cary, NC — This week’s most-read stories had to do with travels, trees and a few local happenings. Let’s take a look.
1. RDU Adds New Nonstop Flight to Iceland
A new transatlantic flight will soon be added to the boards at Raleigh-Durham International Airport (RDU). The destination? Reykjavik, Iceland.
2. Mayor’s 2022 State of Cary Address
Last week Cary Mayor Harold Weinbrecht presented his 15th annual State of Cary address. This recap of his speech covers the growth, developments, demographics and other metrics of Cary’s successes over the previous year and a few updates on the ongoing and future focuses of the Town of Cary.
3. Register for Spring Giveaway of Native Cary Trees

Cary’s Urban Forestry Manager, Katie Rose Levin.
Registration begins February 8th for the My Tree, Our Tree spring giveaway. This program offers free, native trees to Cary residents who will take them home and plant them!
4. Harold’s Blog: The 2022 State of Cary
Here’s this week’s Harold’s Blog, primarily recapping the 2022 State of Cary Address and a few other local government updates from Cary’s Town Manager, Sean Stegall.
5. February at the Farmers Market
It’s been a bitterly cold last few weeks for local farmers and their crops, but thanks to greenhouses, there will still be a selection to shop from each Saturday of February at the Cary Downtown Farmers Market.
Story and photos by Ashley Kairis.
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