Biking Survey Open for Cary Residents
Cary, NC — For current bikers and aspiring ones too, there’s a new, quick survey allowing residents to make suggestions about the Town of Cary’s future biking accessibility.
How Would You Like to Bike Around Cary?

Husband and wife Stephan and Pamela Yannoni take a Friday afternoon ride along the Black Creek Greenway.
The 5-question survey is open through October 31, 2020 and helps town planners understand the biking needs of the community.
Questions include what type of biker you identify as, what points of interest you want to reach by biking, what biking lane facility types are preferred, where you would want to travel to and what route improvements can be made to make it easier.
Fill Out the Survey, Add to the Map
Add in your opinions and join the 900+ responses in the survey so far.
The survey is available now on the Town of Cary website.
An interactive map on the survey site shows pinpoints from other survey takers of locations they would like to be able to visit by bike. You can add in your own pick or zoom in to select a specific point. Buttons will allow you to “Agree” with the destination or add in a comment.
More Public Input Opportunities
Want to give your input to Town of Cary projects regularly? See the Town of Cary Engagement Hub for more similar surveys, like the Chapel Hill Road improvements survey.
Story and photos by Ashley Kairis.
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