Cary COVID Report: January 13, 2021
Cary, NC — In the first week of 2021, Cary surpassed 4,000 cumulative COVID-19 cases.
The Numbers in Cary

The latest weekly metric graph from the Town of Cary Emergency Operations Center dated Friday, January 8, 2021 shows the cumulative case count for Cary since late April.
Over the last several weeks, there has been a noticeable increase in Cary’s cases. The above graph shows total cases in Cary reaching 4,208 on January 7, 2021 — an 11.9% increase since December 31, 2020.
Though, in relation to the other 11 Wake County municipalities, Cary remains with the lowest cases per capita. That, as of 4 PM on January 7, 2021 was 24.49 per 1,000 residents.
Source: Cary’s Emergency Operation Center, Weekly Metric Summary
Wake County Sees Largest Single-Day Spike
New daily reported cases in Wake County hit an all-time high of 1,352 on December 30, 2020. Looking at the big picture of daily reported cases in Wake, the cases reported throughout December 2020 and into January 2021 are far higher than any surges seen last summer.
Source: Wake County COVID Dashboard
NC’s Vaccination Rollout Gaining Traction
The vaccine is being made available to the public in a series of phases, of which, North Carolina has finished the initial Phase 1a. This phase prioritized health care workers fighting COVID-19 & long-term Care staff and residents.
Now, many NC counties have moved to Phase 1b, vaccinating adults 75 years or older and frontline essential workers. All the phases and plans for NC’s vaccination rollout can be seen on the NCDHHS website. Here are a few of the latest updates and key takeaways:
- More than 200,000 people have gotten their first coronavirus vaccine dose so far in North Carolina
- Vaccine distribution across the state is accelerating
- Many North Carolina counties are now vaccinating people 75 and older
- It could be months before vaccines are widely available for anyone who wants one
For further information, check out the NC COVID-19 Vaccine Fact Sheet.
Sources: NC COVID-19 Information Hub & NC Department of Health & Human Services
Take a Look Nationally & Globally

Map and metrics from the Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center at 4 PM, Wednesday, January 13, 2021.
To see national and global COVID-19 stats, we recommend taking a look at:
Story from staff reports.
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