Possible Snowstorm in Cary this Sunday

Last updated at 3 PM Wednesday, January 12.

Cary, NC — The chance of snow precipitation has reached 90 percent for this Sunday in Cary.

According to the National Weather Service, Cary residents could see snow moving in as early as 1 AM on Sunday, January 16th with cloud cover and precipitation continuing most of the day. Where the weather platforms such as Weather.com and the National Weather Service tend to differ is the temperatures expected. Some predict a range of 32-37 degrees and others predict a low of 25 and a high of 40.

Depending on where these temperatures truly shake out, we could be in for a mix of sleet and subsequently ice on the roadways.

Historically, snowstorms like this melt away fast in our region and it seems that will be the case. The Monday forecast for MLK Jr. Day is showing sunny skies and a high in the mid-40s.

Check back for updates to this story through the end of the week.

Story and snow photo by Ashley Kairis.

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