2021 Registration Now Open for Cary Teen Council
Cary, NC — The Cary Teen Council is an organization for middle and high school students who love to make a difference in their community through volunteer service.
Registration for new CTC members opened yesterday and will remain open through September 30. To be eligible, students must be residents of Cary and currently in grades 8-10. Nonresidents and Cary residents of other grades are not eligible for registration.
How to Register
Registration will be offered online only this year and a family account on myCary is needed.
The registration fee is $25 and includes a Cary Teen Council t-shirt. Additionally, all new member registrants are required to attend a virtual new member meeting on either of the following dates:
Meeting 1: Saturday, October 2, 2-3 PM
Meeting 2: Tuesday, October 5, 6-7 PM
Both meetings will be offered virtually through Cisco Webex and the meeting link will be e-mailed to everyone the night before. The registrants are required to view this meeting, however, parents are welcomed too. There will be no refunds if the meeting attendance requirement is not met.
Program Details & Requirements

In late February, members of the Cary Teen Council help bring donations to the Carying Place in support of their community.
New members who register for Cary Teen Council are members through May 31, 2022. At this time, in-person group volunteering has resumed but is subject to change at any time in conjunction with State of North Carolina and/or Town of Cary guidelines.
Members will have the option to choose between in-person opportunities, virtual programming, or both, in order to meet their hour requirements throughout the year.
All members will be required to accrue a minimum of 15 hours by May 31, 2022 to be in good standing. Cary Teen Council monthly meetings will be offered once a month and will alternate between in-person and virtual throughout the year. More details will be provided at the required new member meetings in October.
For more information, visit the FAQ page for the Cary Teen Council.
For questions regarding new member registration, please contact Program Assistant, Doug Peters.
Photos and story courtesy of the Town of Cary.
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