Plant a Free, Native Tree this Spring from the Town of Cary
Cary, NC — With developments cropping up all around Cary, many trees inevitably get chopped.
To help offset those that are cut and to put additional native trees back into the Town’s landscape, the Town of Cary staff and Town Council have come up with a few new solutions, including having Cary residents plant free ones at home.
Council’s Tree Funding Initiatives

Volunteers plant trees in the Cary Tree Archive, a separate operation also bringing native trees to Cary’s landscape.
This winter, more than 300 trees are being planted in parks, a cemetery and facilities across the community. As the first tiny leaves of spring emerge, new trees will be growing in Dorothy, Heater and Carpenter Parks, the North Cary Water Reclamation Facility and the Cary First Christian Cemetery.
In last week’s report from Cary’s Town Manager, Sean Stegall announced a new generation of trees was planted at Dorothy and Heater Parks. Between the two sites, 76 native trees, including River Birch, Redbud, Dogwood, Magnolias, Silverbell, Sycamore, Nuttall Oak, Bald Cypress and Red Buckeye will foster Cary’s tree canopy.
Additionally, these new trees will provide wildlife habitats and aesthetic beauty while contributing to Cary’s environmental health. Another tree planting initiative that kicked off recently is the “My Tree, Our Tree” tree giveaway and a host of tree health, care, and maintenance projects.
My Tree, Our Tree Program
In a new initiative, the Town of Cary is offering to help you plant a native tree in your yard.
As a provider of beauty, shade and wildlife habitat, these new trees would grow over time and add to the environmental health of Cary by absorbing carbon dioxide and helping reduce flooding.
Get Started (Limited to Cary citizens)
- Register for a 30-minute webinar and Q&A session with Cary’s Urban Forestry Manager for the latest planting tips and techniques. Webinar registration opens February 21, 2021 through myCary.
- After the webinar, you’ll receive an online invitation to pick up a free tree and planting kit, including:
- Native tree in a 3-gallon container; you select the one you want
- 150th commemorative tree marker to honor Cary’s sesquicentennial year
- Tree guard
- Coupon for a free bag of topsoil
- Coupon for a free bag of mulch
- A rain gauge
Get Your Tree
Pick-up days will depend on your chosen tree species. The number of trees and tree species are limited and will be reserved on a first-come, first-served basis.
Pickups will be drive-through events, much like picking up your pre-ordered groceries. Both pick up events will be at the Garmon Operations Center at 400 James Jackson Avenue in Cary.
Here are the various species to choose from.
Saturday, March 13, 2021 Pick Up, 12-4 PM
- Sycamore
- Sweet Bay Magnolia
- Carolina Silverbell
Saturday, April 10, 2021 Pick Up, 12-4 PM
- Pin Oak
- Eastern Redbud
- Serviceberry
Share Your Tree
Once you have completed a tree planting in Cary, submit the tree planting details to Cary’s Community Tree Counter.
Participants can also post a picture to social media using #MyTreeOurTree and keep up with the initiative on the Cary it Green Facebook Page.
Story from staff reports. Photos courtesy of the Town of Cary and George McDowell of the Cary Tree Archive.
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This is great!!! Thank you, Town of Cary!!!