Cary COVID Weekly Report – June 10

Cary, NC – Here’s your weekly COVID-19 Report. If you want to explore the data for yourself, visit Wake County COVID 19 or NC Dept of Health & Human Services.

Wake County: Infection Rate Rises

Weekly new cases on Coronavirus in Wake County rose from 297 to 533 last week.

In case some of you are wondering, last week’s Wake County COVID new infections was originally posted as 236, not the 297 we are reporting today. That’s because the county updates the numbers daily and the new infections are adjusted as all the information comes in.

North Carolina Infection Rate

Across the state, infections rates have continued to climb in the last week.

Wake County Per 10,000

Another key measure of infection rate is cases per 10,000.

Last week, Wake County registered 17 cases per 10,000. This week, that number has more than doubled to 41 per 10,000.


North Carolina Cases & Deaths By Age

This data set from NC Dept of Health & Human Services shows that 25-49 year olds account for the largest group of cases at 45%.

This second chart shows deaths in North Carolina. Disproportionately, people over 75 years old account for 62% of the deaths. 82% of the deaths are people over 65.

Explore for Yourself

If you’d like to explore the data for yourself, NC Dept of Health & Human Services and Wake County also gives insight into infection rates by age, gender, ethnicity. The NCDHHS site also allows users to search by zip code.

We’ll be back next week.

Story from staff reports. Data from Wake County COVID 19 and NC Dept of Health & Human Services. NC Cases and Death information added on 6/11/2020.

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3 replies
  1. Nora Lawson
    Nora Lawson says:

    I’m concerned that we’re not reporting that 60% of infections are in assisted living, the recovery rate is phenomenal, the mortality rate is down to less than 3% (lowest yet in this state) and that the medications we are using is working. It like you’re reporting every time someone gets a cold and playing it like a death sentence.

    Please don’t follow mainstream media scare tactics.

    • Hal Goodtree
      Hal Goodtree says:

      Hi Nora – I’ve also heard that “60% of the infections are in nursing homes.” So I looked it up. In fact, 66% of the infections are in the 25-64 age group. I shared some additional info up above.

      62% of the deaths are in the 75+ age group. 82% of the deaths are in the 65+ age group.

      Overall, Wake County infection rates are continuing to climb. We leave it up our readers like you to decide how they want to proceed.

      Be well.

    • Mark Neill
      Mark Neill says:

      “…the mortality rate is down to less than 3%…”

      That’s still 30 times the normal CFR for Influenza, which kills tens of thousands of people a year in the U.S., and is only actually caught by about a quarter or so of the population, because of various resistances and such to random influenzas.

      Covid-19 is likely, for all intents and purposes, to affect close to all of the U.S. population. Covid may have an actual lower CFR than 3%, since there are so many asymptomatic cases, but even still, if it were ONLY as fatal as the flu, and this much more contagious, that’s still 36,000 fatalites – and since the U.S. is already up over 115,000 Covid fatalities, we can be sure that it’s either A, at least 3 times more contagious, or at least 3 times more fatal.

      Also, there are no “medications” that are “working”, not in the sense that we give Tamiflu to people suffering from the flu to lessen the severity and length of the symptoms, or take zinc for common colds for the same reason. There are some medications that seem to help some people, but they don’t help others, and there’s no indication as to whether a given treatment regimen will work or not for a given person.

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