Karen Carter: Second Semester in Wake County
Cary, NC — Cary’s District 9 representative on the Wake County Board of Education, Karen Carter has started up a blog to provide updates about meetings, upcoming events and important issues. The following is information from her latest entries published on January 8 and 15, 2021.
Reopening Plans, COVID-19 and Athletics
January 8, 2021
This week we had two meetings on Tuesday, January 5th — a work session and a board meeting.
The January 5 Work Session Included:
- An update from the ABC Science Collaborative
- An update on case investigation and contact tracing as well as a review of the decision-making process for when a classroom, grade level, or school might close
- Presentation of the substitute teacher survey results and details about the new sub recruitment plan and proposed incentive plan
- An update on high school and middle school athletics
- Reopening plans for second semester from Superintendent Moore
- See the meeting presentation and full work session recording for further detail
Policy Approvals & Incentive Pay for Substitutes
- Board Policy 1610/7800 Professional Learning was given final approval. Revisions to the policy reflect changes in WCPSS practice and philosophy regarding professional learning as well as updates made by the NC School Boards Association.
- Board Policy 1710 Prohibition Against Discrimination, Harassment, and Bullying was given final approval. The revisions reflect recent major court decisions regarding the rights of transgender employees and students.
- Board Policy 7100 Recruitment and Selection of Personnel was given final approval. The revisions reflect major court decisions regarding the rights of transgender employees and students.
- In order to provide additional incentive for substitutes to fill daily job openings from January 6th through the remainder of the 2020-2021 school year, the following incentive plan was approved:
- Substitutes working at least 5 full days in a calendar month will receive $100 of additional pay each month.
- Substitutes working at least 10 full days in a calendar month will receive $250 of additional pay each month.
- Substitutes working at least 14 full days in a calendar month will receive $425 each month.
The video of the full board meeting can be viewed online.
Remote Learning to Continue Through Mid-February
January 15, 2021
This week I had several meetings. On Wednesday, January 13th, I met with Wake NCEA to listen to feedback and learn more about their staff survey and results. Later that day, I had the first D9 Connection Virtual Meeting for community members in District 9. I appreciated hearing directly from parents, concerned citizens and educators.
At the Thursday, January 14th, Special Called Board Meeting staff presented their considerations, context and recommendation for second semester.
Staff recommended remote learning for all WCPSS students until at least mid-February. The board approved the staff recommendation.
For further details, view the full recording of the special called board meeting and the PowerPoint presentation.
Get Connected with District 9

Board member Karen Carter hosted an informal, virtual meeting on Wednesday, January 13 to hear concerns and thoughts from people in her district.
If interested in receiving email notifications of upcoming board meetings, please remember you can now sign up by completing this Google Form.
Please also mark your calendars for the next D9 Connection Virtual Meeting on Sunday, January 31st at 4 pm. This will be a very informal meeting for me to listen to District 9 community members. To attend, join the Google Meet here.
From the blog of Karen Carter, edited for length by CaryCitizen.
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