Cary Community Choir Celebrates 50 Years, Goes Virtual
Cary, NC — The Cary Community Choir has been a local source of pride since its start in 1970.
The choir’s annual concert in December, showcasing the Christmas portion of Handel’s Messiah, is Cary’s longest-running tradition. Thanks to a virtual solution from the choir’s leadership, 2020 will mark the 50th year of that tradition.
Choir Board Rethinks the Season

Choir Director, Pepper Choplin and Choir President, Candace Blackley provide a virtually delivered update on the choir’s season in August 2020.
In an unusual year marked by a predominantly airborne-spread virus, the board of directors came together to find a solution that did not involve a live performance at a venue filled with people.
“We did not want to jeopardize the health of choir and audience members by performing at a traditional venue,” said Choir President, Candace Blackley. “We decided to put together a Virtual Choir that will perform “The Glory of the Lord” and the “Hallelujah” chorus from Handel’s Messiah.”
How the Virtual Concert Will Work

The Cary Community Choir, performs its 2019 concert to a crowd of more than 600.
Continuing in their practice of being a volunteer-based choir with instrumental ensemble soloists, the choir made the 2020 virtual choir open to all singers in the triangle. On October 1, 2020, the choir was completed and two virtual rehearsals were scheduled for October to be led by Choir Director, Pepper Choplin.
“In their 50 years, the choir has sung through many circumstances. I admire the group for wanting to offer this joyful expression to their community and world,” said Choplin.
Following rehearsals of the “Hallelujah” chorus and “The Glory of the Lord,” composed by G.F. Handel, singers will record their parts alone while viewing a video of the sheet music. After all are sent in by the October 21 deadline, the videos will be blended together into a single, cohesive performance.
The final video will be released for all to enjoy just before Thanksgiving.
“Especially during this Christmas season, we must share the music that lives in our souls. I can’t wait to hear the beauty of the voices and the tapestry of joyous faces when we blend everything together,” said Choplin.
While there are no fees for performers to participate or for community members to view the virtual concert, sponsorships and donations are being accepted online to help defray costs. For more information, visit The Cary Community Choir website.
Story by Ashley Kairis. Choir performance photo by Amber Foster Smith.
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